Location vs. Non-Location Ad Messaging

When writing ad copy, are you taking into account where your users are physically? Find out how a users physical location relative to your travel activity business can give you clues about where they are in the marketing funnel - and how you should target them with ads.

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How to Create Facebook Ads That Turn Lookers Into Bookers

Meagan Guse explains how travel and activity companies can use a variety of Facebook ad formats to turn lookers into bookers, allowing experience-based companies to better connect with their target audience and drive more business.

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Travel Experiences: Standing Out in a Saturated Travel Market

Gwenn Reinhart explains how savvy activity-based companies can promote their experiences in an over-saturated market. Learn how to better leverage your website, blog, and social channels to drive meaningful interactions with customers.

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Should My Travel Business Have a Chatbot?

Travel businesses with chatbots provide customers with a better experience for a lower initial investment. Here’s our guide to taking advantage of this new technology!

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The Value of a Google Maps Strategy for Tourism Businesses

Casey Emanuel explains why travel and tourism businesses should create and implement a strategy for optimizing their business for Google Maps - even if they're expecting most of their business to come from outside of their geographic area.

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